Archive for 2011-06-19

the worst feeling is not being lonely...its been forgotton by someone u could never forget..!!!

A farmer instead of keeping SCARE CROW in his farm kept photo of RAJNIKANT . u cant imagine what happened, Birds were bringing back grains taken last year:-)

In every LoVe story sister supports brother... but, brother never supports sister...!!! U know why? :P .......

The Bathtub Test: During a visit to a 'Mental Hospital' a journalist askd the Doctor: "Hw do u determine wthr to admit a patient or not?" Doctor said 'We fill a BathTub & give a teaspoon, a teacup & a bucket to the........

Lyf have never promised U anything Nor has God But people did... Some said they will never leave U; lie... Some said they will luv U till death; lie... Some said U are the most precious thing in their lyf; lie... Lyf is made of such sweet lies...! In the end all that matters is how U faced the time when U finally realized those were juz lies n how truthful U were... V may ask,"Wudn't .....

Who is a frnd? A push wen u r stopped,a touch wen u r lost,a word wen u r quite,a smile wen u r sad,a hug wen u cry & "a 'slap' wen u don stop crying"...

Dis story is al abt wen i ws in 2nd std. I was caught talkng in clas n My Teachr askd me 2 writ "I WONT TALK IN CLASS" 50 tims on d board, i went dr & wrote.. . . . . void main() { int i; for(i=1;i<=50;i++) printf("/n I WONT TALK IN CLASS"); } Born brilliant but FORCED 2 STUDYB-) wat a fate horrible..B-)

Teacher: If u gv 100rs to ur friend, but he needs only 50rs, so hw much will he return u? Student: Nthn. Teacher: u don't kno maths! Student: u don't kno my friends..! :-P:-P

Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. It merely moves from their faces to their hearts.