Lyf have never promised U anything Nor has God But people did... Some said they will never leave U; lie... Some said they will luv U till death; lie... Some said U are the most precious thing in their lyf; lie... Lyf is made of such sweet lies...! In the end all that matters is how U faced the time when U finally realized those were juz lies n how truthful U were... V may ask,"Wudn't .....

Lyf have never promised U anything Nor has God
But people did...

Some said they will never leave U; lie...

Some said they will luv U till death; lie...

Some said U are the most precious thing in their lyf; lie...

Lyf is made of such sweet lies...!
In the end all that matters is how U faced the time when U finally realized those were juz lies n how truthful U were...
V may ask,"Wudn't lyf be much better if these lies were never told?"
But the fact, which is yet harder is when U realize that, the times U lived on those big lies were the best times of Ur lyf...!
Confusing, yet true...!