The Bathtub Test: During a visit to a 'Mental Hospital' a journalist askd the Doctor: "Hw do u determine wthr to admit a patient or not?" Doctor said 'We fill a BathTub & give a teaspoon, a teacup & a bucket to the........

The Bathtub Test:

During a visit to a 'Mental Hospital' a journalist askd the Doctor: "Hw do u determine wthr to admit a patient or not?"

Doctor said 'We fill a BathTub & give a teaspoon, a teacup & a bucket to the patient & ask thm to empty the BathTub.'

Wat wld u do ?

The journlst said, 'Oh, obviously a normal prsn wud use the bucket coz its bigger.'

'No!' said the Doctor,
'A normal prsn wud pull the Drain Plug!'
Now which bed do 'U' want.